
Sleep Hypnosis: Does it really work?

Sleep is a topic that has been discussed SO much recently. Only the other day I was watching the news when it was discussing the rising rates of children and adults with insomnia and difficultly sleeping – I 100% fall amongst this category and recently I’ve struggled ridiculously with my sleeping pattern only getting to sleep sometimes at like 6 which is awful! One thing I’ve tried and tested in order to help me is sleep hypnosis. 

I do engage in sleep hypnosis quite often sometimes multiple times a week so I think I do have a lot of experiences on whether or not it works so I wanted to share these experiences with you and hopefully help out some of you who struggle like me. 

The way I do this is through YouTube – late one night before Christmas I was just willing to try anything so I just googled sleep hypnosis and tried it out. From what I remember it partially worked I fell asleep and then woke up later. Since then I’ve tried it many a times and sometimes it really has saved my life and got me to sleep. However I do feel that it only works if you are already quite tired, I generally only use it when I’ve already been up for ages so at that point I am already shattered! But when I’ve tried it say as soon I’ve gone to bed it hasn’t worked mainly because I’m not at the point of being overly tired.  

Personally, I’d recommend Michael Sealey on YouTube as I’ve found he is the best – he has so many different types of sleep hypnosis, some I like and some I just don’t but I think it’s a case of trial and error to find the best for you. 
Have you ever tried sleep hypnosis or have any tips on dealing with insomnia?

                            Lydia xx

9 thoughts on “Sleep Hypnosis: Does it really work?”

  1. Hi Laura, great post. You might like to try searching my husband Dan Jones on YouTube as he has lots of mediative and hypnosis videos that could help. He is fully trained and qualified hypnosis practitioner. Hope you get those 💤 xx


  2. Hey Lydia…I suffer with insomnia from time to time I found that the app called Relax Melodies is the one that helps me rock off. It has all sorts of sounds and you can set a time for it to shut off too. Xxx


      1. I’ve done that before and it’s used up all my battery 🙈 I hope it helps you Lyds. I love the camp fire sound on there. You can also mix sounds and have a few going at once and save favourites. Good luck hun xxx

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  3. Hey, I found this on twitter and said hey, I know those videos! I used one last night to fall asleep like a baby (the deepest sleep by Michael who is my favorite too). Like you said, it works best when I’m already pretty sleepy but that’s a big deal because I can stay up
    wired for hours even while dog tired. I’m sure you can relate. I also stay asleep when I use a sleep hypnosis/meditation. When I don’t, the chances are higher that I’ll wake up in the middle of the night and I always got to go to the bathroom so by that point, I’m awake for a few hours before falling back to sleep. 😳 Fortunately, that hasn’t happened a little while since I’ve doing hypnosis/meditations at night.


    1. Hey! I think deepest sleep is one of my faves too – there’s one for anxiety? Or something as well which is the one that really works for me. I’m so glad they’ve been working for you as well x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah I use that one too for anxiety. How do you know my favorites? lol Have you tried binaural beats before? There’s a channel called magnetic minds that I like the most. I love their Love Frequency one.


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